Friday, June 24, 2011

Photos of calm newborn babies listening to music

Look at these gorgeous photos of newborn babies listening to classical music through speakers in their cots and through earphones! They are so relaxed despite being newborn and separated from their mothers temporarily. The power of music is amazing really.

The article also quotes one of the doctors saying that music by Mozart and Vivaldi works especially well and Mozart in particular reminds mothers of their mother.

The photo of seven babies lined up in cots that all look asleep is cool if it's true. I was sceptical at first because the photo doesn't have any sound but thought they do look really calm from a distance. Scrolling down further I saw the shots from above which revealed they really are. The close up shots are just gorgeous. Sleeping babies are extraordinarily beautiful and I love that music has had a role in achieving these photos. What lucky babies to be born into a musical world.

Luckily even though our newborn babies are not treated to such revolutionary programs here in Australian hospitals, Baby Love Music Fun uses great music and tunes by Mozart and Vivaldi in all courses throughout the program and our Music for Milestones CD also uses tunes by Mozart, Verdi, Puccini, Strauss.

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